
Most important is the list! World Advertising and Marketing uses several list suppliers. In fact, we have access to literally thousands of list sources for almost any category or criteria you would want to utilize. Here are just a few of the list companies and sources we use:

  • Credit Bureaus such as Experian and Equifax
  • List Compilers
  • Banks and Credit Union lists (Bank of America, etc.)
  • Psychographic and Demographic Profilers (Genalytics)
  • Data Appending, i.e. Phone or SSN Matching (Masterfile)

Most of our time spent in creating an advertising promotion is in researching the list. We want to ensure that the correct audience is targeted. Based on years of experience, we can customize a list to specific demographic or psychographic market. This extra effort is the difference between an ordinary list of names and a powerful selling tool, which will ensure the most effective and efficient use of your advertising dollar.

Each campaign is tailored to put forth the important information you want the potential client to know; such as services you provide, price incentives to purchase, etc. We use the latest software programs and internet access to produce sharp, attention-getting pieces. We have the ability to scan, download or import any company logos, manufacturer’s logos, pictures, etc. to customize your advertising. All at a very competitive price with a fast turn-around time.

Each mail promotion is time sensitive. Through years of experience we can deliver the mail to the post office at the perfect time, so we can pinpoint when it will be received in the household and create the best window of opportunity for our client. We stay current with all U.S. Postal regulations, and work closely with your local post office and distribution centers. We are constantly updating the software programs that enable us to meet the postal regulations.

We create a campaign specifically for you! We can produce everything from a full-service mail promotion to printing coordinating brochures and other literature for your potential client once they are at your site. We can recommend other avenues that would be beneficial to you, i.e. Voice Casting or Text Messaging. We actively seek new products and technology that keep pace with our ever changing world … all with the same original goal … to get your message to the potential customer and drive traffic to you.